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Genetic Analyzer

MBG Lab benefits from two high throughput capillary genetic analysers, ABI 3730XL and ABI 3730 (Applied Biosystems), for analysis of fluorescently labelled amplified DNA.

In MBG Lab, this technology is used for different applications, such as:

  • Sanger Sequencing

  • Fragment Length Analysis

  • SNPshot

Next Generation Sequencing

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology allows us to sequence DNA and RNA in larger quantities, faster and at a lower cost than the previously used Sanger sequencing, and as such has revolutionised the study of genomics and molecular biology.


The MBG Lab houses two Illumina Next Generation Sequencers, the MiSeq and the NextSeq500, enabling the MBG Lab to consider expanding its repertoire of services into areas such as meta-genomics, whole genome & exome sequencing along with high throughput targeted panel sequencing.


MBG Lab has two different array analysers

Open source Microarray

MBG Lab has the Q Array2 microarray printing machine (Genetix) and a GenePix scanner (Axon Instruments) which are open source and used for in-house SNP and expression microarray printing and scanning.

Commercial Microarray

MBG Lab houses the state-of-the art, high resolution Gene Titan Multi-Channel (MC). The instrument is an automated High-throughput solution for monitoring gene expression and genome-wide SNP genotyping.


The Instrument automates array processing from target hybridization to data generation by combining a hybridization oven, fluidics processing, and state-of-the art imaging device into a single bench-top instrument for use in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), replication studies, candidate-gene association, and targeted genotyping for human disease research and animal genomics.


GeneTitan MC Instrument delivers the highest throughput and laboratory productivity by minimizing user intervention and allowing unattended, overnight processing of large numbers of samples in parallel. This unique degree of hands-free automation means that the data is consistently reproducible.

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